Wednesday, April 25, 2012


21/04/2012 11:27 AM

Through security at Udon Airport, got about an hour to kill before my flight; I’ve still yet to understand Air Asia’s policies on having to check in two hours before you’re flight even for domestic flightls like the one I’m on. 

Looking forward to getting to Bangkok; I'm not really sure why, I don’t particularly like the area that I stay in but it’s cheap and relaxing. Maybe its more the fact that I know its the last night I’ll have to spend in a hotel in Asia. I’m not saying I’m not enjoying this, in fact I'm saying the exact opposite; but the last few days have just felt like waiting, transport, waiting some more, transport, a night in a hotel with nothing to do. Anyways, it will be nice to be back in Bangkok, I know exactly where I’m going to stay and I’m going to try for one of the four busses that leave BKK airport to save some cash; hopefully that will work out, otherwise I’ll just find some other people going to the same area and share a taxi. 

Not particularly looking forward to the ride in; it will probably be longer than my actual flight given that it will be rush hour.... not that rush hour really ever ends in Bangkok. But nonetheless, I’ll be happy to get in. 

All for now.

24/04/2012 5:11 AM

I’m home.... well at least, I'm back in Canada. I’m staying at my uncle’s for a night before spending another night with my grandfather to show him all my pictures and whatnot.

So the last time I check in was in Udon Thani.... that seems like ages ago. My flight from there to Bangkok was easy, and I ended up taking the train in from the Airport to save myself some time and cash. That one night I had went by pretty fast, repacked, did a bit of last minute shopping etc etc. 

Took a minibus to the airport for B150 which was easy; both my flights were swell; I flew with Emirate airlines, and had exit rows for both my flights. This worked out well. All I'm going to say is that Xanax makes long flights a Lot easier to deal with.

Well I left Asia about three days ago... and have been back for 12 hours at this point in Canada. I was expecting it to take about a week for me to start missing Asia and wishing I was back there.... But well, I think I am already wishing I was back there; back in Lao on a motorbike or in Myanmar is a crappy hotel... anywhere really. I miss Asia.

25/04/2012 9:36 AM

So I haven’t decided whether or not I’ll keep this blog going once I get back to my real life; I suppose a lot of it will depend on whether or not I have time and energy... looks like I'm going to be pretty busy this next year.

Any who, I'm in Ontario, near Bellville; I spent last night and most of yesterday with my Grandfather at his retirement home to show him some pictures and tell him some stories of my travels. I have not seen him in a while and I'm not sure if I will make it up to the cottage this summer as Il be busy with both school and work. So I figured, even with jet lag and whatnot, now was a great opportunity to see him. I’ve been a bit bored hanging around this home; it’s a slightly different pace of life than I’m used to but, it’s nice to see my grandfather, so no complaints. I’m really hoping to make it up to the cottage this summer as there is a LOT more to do there. I feel confined here and this place somewhat depressing.... I think that is the weather though. Its bleedy cold out so I'm feeling a bit confined.... something I haven’t been used to over the past few months. Went for a bit of a walk this morning, but with only flip flops and a hoodie it’s pretty chilly. I’m not a fan of this time of the season. I can deal with -20 degrees Celsius with snow and ice and I can deal with 30+ degree plus weather, but this rainy, 10 degree cloudy, windy weather is just depressing. I was hoping to come back to either snow or heat. I guess I can’t get everything I want. Anyways, Montreal seems to be a bit warmer, but it really doesn’t matter; I start classes in 5 days so maybe its better this way. 

I’ll grab a train back to Montreal tonight around 5:00 PM which will get me in around 8:00 PM so that will be easy. 

Well, it’s been nearly 48 hours since being back in the country and well, I’m ready for something new. For now, that “something new” is going to have to be full concentration on school. I can’t afford to take the time off to travel until I'm done my undergrad degree, so the sooner that is done, the sooner I can get back on the road. Given the fact that I’m changing majors altogether, it may be two years if not more before I’ll have anytime.... wow that’s a depressing thought. 

For now my focus is school. The better and faster that goes, the sooner I can get back on the road.  Besides, I’ve got to get my motorbike license!! In Québec, that is a freaking pain in the ass, so I think that’s going to be a side project for when I get some free time.

I do not think I will go back to working at the Restaurant; as much as the money is great, I can’t deal with the environment and do well in school at the same time. Instead, hopefully il be doing some office type work which will hopefully make me some cash.... not that I really need anything. Things should be straightforward this next year.

I’ll be living at home and all my classes are at the Loyola campus which is about a 15 minute walk from our house and there is a brand new gym right across the street from it. So it seems like the next year at least will consist of school, study and the gym. 

It is weird being back, and I'm still trying to write a conclusion or some sort of summary about my travels in Asia, but I don’t think the reality of it has really hit me yet. To be honest, I still don’t feel like I’ve just come back from spending most of four months in Asia. I’m still adjusting and I think I will be for a while; but life is definitely going to be different... things already are. Some night in the near future I will write my thoughts on it, but it may require copious amounts of alcohol and some free time... something I don’t have right now. We’ll see. 

All for now!

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