Friday, January 27, 2012

Borneo and Bako National Park

25/01/2012 3:43 PM

Ho Chi Minh Airport. Flying outside of North America is so easy. Security, check-in and customs takes no time whatsoever. Excited to be arriving in Kuching. I think it’s going to be fantastic.

25/01/2012 7:25 PM

I am ALIVE. That was the scariest landing ever! Remember how I said it’s the rainy season right now? Well apparently they get RIDICULOUS thunderstorms in the evening. Terribly sketchy landing in KL... to the point where I did not think I'd be alive to tell the tale.

All for now

26/01/2012 11:35 AM

Surprisingly, its really nice sleeping in a room with no windows; I slept so well. However, it is a bit disorienting waking up without the sun. So I'm alive in Kuching and this place is fantastic in so many ways. There is so much life, both in the people and in the environment. Even in Kuching, There is green and rainforest within the city. 

Bako National Park Map
So I went to the Visitors Centre and booked my stay at the Hostel in Bako National Park for a few nights. Il head up there tomorrow, a day early, and check it out. There is about 70 different trails within the park so there is definitely a week’s worth of stuff to do up there. So if all goes to plan I may end up spending a decent amount of time there. So today I'm pretty much just prepping stuff to head into the jungle. There isn’t a huge amount to do in Kuching, it’s pretty much just a hub to visit the surrounding national parks from. There is a fair chance that I won’t have internet once I leave Kuching for Bako, so if there are no new posts, do not worry.

The Hostel I'm staying at is fantastic. Its four floors, and literally straight out of Ikea. It’s all concrete and bamboo and a multidude of colours. So its pretty cool. The staff are supper helpful, and there is a no-shoe policy which means everyone is walking around barefoot. It’ really cool.

So not much else now, il probably spend some more time wandering around the city. It is raining but I figure I'm going to have to get used to that at some point as it is the monsoon season.
Thats all for now

27/01/2012 10:07 AM
So 6 AM wake up. Packed last night and left some of my stuff back at the Hostel in Kuching. The bus station was about a twenty minute walk which was a nice wakeup considering I missed my coffee. Bus left at 7:30 and arrived at the entrance to the park around 8 AM. From there, you take a boat to the actual Park itself. Now, they always say to arrive early because the sea is calmer in the morning. Now, if what I experienced was called calm, I don’t dare to think about what it’s like in the afternoon. We left in a tiny boat that seats four people. Half way through the journey we began to 10+ foot waves. I'm not sure why, but between my landing in Kuala Lumpur and nearly capsizing in this tiny boat, I'm beginning to think Malaysia doesn’t like me all that much. 
Long Bearded Pigs that wonder the park

I registered in the park but check-in is not until 2PM so I’ve got a bit of time to kill. I’ve just got back from a short hike in the jungle, and this place is both unbelievably wild and incredibly humid. Five minutes in, I was soaking wet with sweat. 

The trails here, however, are beautiful. They are indeed well marked, but in many places overgrown with animal and plant life. I don’t believe that many people actually come here to hike for a few days, rather, they come for the day, walk around the headquarters, and head back to Kuching. This makes the real trails relatively deserted. 

Jungle Trailhead

The weather is currently sunny, 34 degrees, and extremely humid. I think it will rain this afternoon given that there are dark clouds in the distance and a strong breeze blowing in off the sea. Some sort of wild boar has just walked by the cafeteria where I currently sit.

27/01/2012 6:15 PM

So the sun is beginning to set and a storm in definitely rolling in from the water. The tide is up and the six foot waves are breaking only few yards from where I sit. I'm hoping for some heavy rains this evening in hopes of it clearing out the humidity for tomorrow, but I think that I just wishful thinking – humidity never disappears. 

My Nasty Dorm Room
I'm sitting on the deck of the Cafeteria, a cheap restaurant that services all the over-nighters to the park. The food is not great, but at least it’s cheap. Forget about beer or any form of alcohol for that matter. From where I sit I am surrounded by lush, new-growth forests that are home to numerous species of animals. Today alone I have seen two families of wild boars as well as a group of monkeys, both who hang around the Cafeteria in hopes of some free food. Though there is a decent amount of development here, they have done little, at least in appearance, to damage the surrounding forests. The huts and lodges are nestled away behind the Head Quarters and are quite nice in appearance, at least from the outside. From the inside, on the other hand, is a whole different story. Basic, I think, is the key to describing them, and that is from a very forgiving perspective. Now, I have booked the cheapest room available, but having spoken to other guests, more money does not mean better. What is key to remember is location. Location. Who cares if you’ve got a bug-infested room, or a room with only enough power outlets to run the fan, or if the water coming out of the sink in the shared washrooms is brown, or if there is mold growing on the ceiling, or if the door doesn’t really close properly, or if the walls are paper thin and made of sheet metal. You are in the most beautiful place on earth... who really gives a sh*t what your room is like? Besides, that stuff if only visible during the day. Once the natural light disappears, the artificial lighting is so insufficient it makes the room is relatively homey... I mean, without the light you don’t notice the bugs, brown water of the mold.  Moreover, what are you doing in your room during the day anyhow?

Mischievous Monkeys - The Racoons of the Jungle
So I did about 5km worth of hiking today which doesn’t sound like much, but this terrain is unforgiving and trails here are not maintained like they are back home. Trails are overgrown, but I think that adds to the character of them. Tonight, I plan to go on a night-hike which is a guided tour organized by the park. I’m hoping the rain holds off for another couple of hours so that it will only be the ground that is wet and not every inch of space.

 All for now. Its dinner time then off for a hike in the jungle at night! Sounds fun right?

 28/01/2012 7:28 AM

Saw this GIANT snake on the way back
Ultimately, I will be checking out of the Bako a day early. It’s pouring rain, and has been doing so since 9 PM last night. The trails will be soaked and it won’t be much fun to hike in. I saw what I wanted to see yesterday, and I am happy with that. I also cannot take another night in my bug-infested room. I will hang around for a few hours in hopes that it clears up and take an afternoon boat + bus back to Kuching. Hopefully it will clear up, but from the looks of the clouds I doubt it will. Coffee is at least good here. 

This place is truly gorgeous but I have lots of time in Borneo and am in no hurry to see it all. The wildlife is everywhere here, monkeys just seem to roam the parks in groups of twenty or more, they are the local racoons. 

It may be pouring rain, but it’s still another day in paradise.

1 comment:

  1. That snake is really huge! It's unlikely huge that I guess nobody ever seen before.
    Did you really see that?
    Do you have any other photos or videos of this incident?
